Book your excursion at Taronga 

This form is for booking both Primary School, High School and Vacation Care entry at Taronga Zoo Sydney or Taronga Western Plains Zoo Dubbo.

Please note: The cost of Vacation Care visits differ to School Visits.

Schools, vacation care and early childhood centres should use this form to submit their booking request.

You will need the following information ready before you start:

  • Booking contact information
  • School contact information
  • Experience details (type, preferred dates, number of students, add on extras)
  • After submitting this request, you will receive a confirmation/tax invoice via the email address given below within 5 working days.

If you are looking to book a self-guided visit to Taronga Zoo Sydney, please view the Taronga Zoo Sydney self-guide page.

Note: The Sky Safari at Taronga Zoo Sydney will be going through some exciting upgrades during 2024 and won't be bookable for excursions. Check back for updates closer to your excursion dates.

Excursion Location 

Contact Details 

You will only be contacted via mobile on the day of your excursion to assist with wayfinding or in case of emergencies.

You will receive a confirmation email to this email address, please ensure to check for correct spelling.
School Details
Please provide the following details about your school, vacation care or community organisation.

Booking Details

Excursion date

Please choose three potential dates that an excursion would work for your school. Our Education Staff will do their best to match your first preference where possible.

Please note that Taronga Zoo Sydney is unable to facilitate Monday bookings. 

Booking Terms and Conditions 
  • A Tax Invoice will be generated and sent to my email account.
  • It is my responsibility to ensure the School Accounts Payable office is aware of this invoice. Payment is required in advance of my excursion.
  • Teachers/supervising adults attending have a duty of care to actively supervise students at all times while on zoo grounds and to take direction from Taronga staff to comply with Taronga’s staff to ensure a positive experience for all guests.
  • You, as the booking teacher, are responsible for ensuring that all participating teachers and students receive important information regarding the visit, such as supervision requirements, that Taronga is a cashless venue including at all food, beverage and retail outlets, and workshop times and locations if attending.
  • Students cannot ride on Sky Safari when operational unless this has been included in the booking and students are supervised in groups of up to 5 students per 1 teacher/supervising adult.
  • In efforts to improve sustainability, Physical copies of Zoo maps are not available for students on the day of their visit but can be found on Taronga’s website and the Taronga Zoo app. Supervising adults and teachers are welcome to collect physical maps to assist with wayfinding.
  • Attending teachers/supervising adults and students will be advised not attend to Taronga Zoo if they feel unwell or have flu like symptoms (e.g. fever, cough, sore/scratchy throat, shortness of breath) or if their visit contravenes NSW Health guidelines.
  • All attending teachers/supervising adults are in possession of student medical and emergency response plans.
  • Please ensure you read these important updates before your visit and share this information with all attending staff.
  • Bookings can be rescheduled at the discretion of Taronga
A reminder that submission of this form is considered acceptance of these terms.
Want to stay updated?
Privacy Statement  
Unless you have given us permission to send you email newsletters, your personal information will only be used to contact you in relation to your booking.

Your details may be used if we are advised by NSW Health and/or the local Public Health Unit to contact guests for the purpose of contract tracing in relation to COVID-19. We will not disclose your personal information to anybody else, unless you have given consent, or we are required by law. Providing us with a mobile phone number is voluntary but if you choose not to you, your school will be unable to visit Taronga Zoo Sydney or Taronga Western Plains Zoo Dubbo. Should you wish to do so, you can request access to or amend your personal information at any time, please contact